Spring is behind us, and it's time to take stock of the trapping of founding queens this 2024.
Selective Trapping Above All
The keyword for this trapping campaign was selectivity above all. Ornetin stands out from other traps on the market for its selectivity, which has been widely demonstrated in summer and fall with the trapping of Asian hornet workers. We also aimed to demonstrate its effectiveness for trapping founding queens. Results were not guaranteed because trapping queens is very different from trapping workers. Firstly, due to their low numbers, and secondly, because they need to be attracted over a wide area, requiring more attractive baits. In this context, the goal of selective trapping is even more ambitious. During this period, we followed and applied the recommendations for spring trapping.
When to Install Traps
This season was unique with highly variable weather, making trapping somewhat unpredictable. We started spring trapping around March 15. A minimum average temperature of 15°C is required for Asian hornet queens to emerge from their winter hiding spots. To assist trappers, we established a Velutina Flight Index that provides a department-level indication of conditions over the next five days.
Bait for Spring Asian Hornet Trapping
We chose to start the campaign with baits recommended by the French national plan against Asian hornets: 1/3 blonde beer, 1/3 red fruit syrup, and 1/3 white wine. This bait proved to be effective for trapping queens. We tested this bait in various conditions and formats (liquid, soaked, gelatinous). The liquid and gelatinous formats worked very well.
Trap Placement
Undoubtedly, the best location for traps is under beehives (if you have them). Beehives are a strong attractant for founding queens, and at some point during the day, they will come and visit. Similar to summer, placing traps under beehives, in the shade, and along the trajectory of Asian hornets is highly effective and selective.
Trapping Methodology
As advised in the national plan, we filled out the trapper's record sheet with trapping information. This is essential for proper monitoring and compiling results at the end of the period. Selective trapping is demonstrated through numbers and images! In this sheet, we noted captures of Asian hornets as well as other species. At each harvest, we recorded the contents of the traps and counted them systematically. From the first pass, it was clear that Ornetin's selectivity for founding queens was also very high. We observed relatively few collateral effects, mainly some mosquitoes and ants. However, our goal is to further enhance the effectiveness of selective trapping. Therefore, we worked on options to prevent the drowning of hornets and other insects. The objective is to keep queens alive for as long as possible and allow other insects to exit without difficulty.
Harvest #2
Harvest #3
Harvest #4
Trapping Table
Ornetin's Selectivity Review
The campaign trapped 38 founding queens between March 15 and May 9. Regarding collateral effects, we also captured 4 bees, 2 wasps, 7 flies, 42 midges, and 133 ants. Ants were attracted to the sweet bait, prompting us to hang the trap to limit their access. Although this did not completely solve the problem, it helped reduce it. It is noteworthy that no Vespa crabro or butterflies were trapped. Only the German wasp remains captured, which is our main focus for future monitoring.
Marking the Asian Hornet Queen for Insights
Discover our initiative to mark the Asian hornet queen, a pivotal step in understanding colony dynamics and identifying potential replacements. Follow our close observation of a spring nest, alongside trapping efforts, to explore the intricacies of hornet behavior. Experience the challenges and insights of this unique project in our informative video. Watch the process unfold here: We Marked the Asian Hornet Queen!
What to Learn More About Trapping and Settlement of Asian Hornet Queens?