The Advantages of Ornetin

An effective hornet trap

Tired of Asian hornets invading your space? The best hornet trap is Ornetin. This effective hornet trap has been designed to attract and capture these pests in a formidable manner. Every element, from the natural bait to the design, is optimized for maximum performance.

It’s simple: to get rid of hornets, nothing beats Ornetin.

Ornetin Hornet Trap

Selective hornet trap

Selective Hornet Trap

What makes Ornetin unique is its ability to target only Asian hornets, while leaving other insects alone. Imagine a selective hornet trap that protects your garden without harming bees and butterflies! No more unwanted captures. Ornetin respects nature by catching precisely what’s needed, no more, no less.

It’s simple: to get rid of hornets, nothing beats Ornetin.

Cost-effective hornet selective trapping

Who said efficiency had to rhyme with expense? Ornetin proves the contrary. With its attractive initial price and reusability, it’s clearly an economical option. No need to change bait constantly, beet syrup does the trick without breaking the bank.

Cost-effective Hornet Trap

Sustainable: a long-term solution

Sustainable Hornet Trap

Ornetin is not just a revolutionary Asian Hornet trap, it’s a long-term investment. Made from robust materials, it stands up to the elements and remains operational season after season.

Simple: easy-to-use

You don’t need to be an expert to use Ornetin. In just a few simple steps, your hornet trap is ready for use: a jar, a dose of beet syrup, a strategic location, and off you go. Maintenance is just as easy: empty, clean and replace the bait.

Easy to use Hornet Trap