Velutina Flight Index

This map shows the average hourly temperature over 5 sliding days. This value is given by department. Trapping is relevant above an average of 10°C: departments in green. These are estimated values...

Spring Trapping

Spring trapping is based on the life cycle of the Asian hornet. At this time, the founding queens emerge from their winter lethargy to found their first nest, known as a primary nest. This is...

Why Ornetin is different?

Ornetin is not just “another” hornet trap. It is an alternative trapping concept that stands out due to its design, mode of operation, and ecosystem. Here are some explanations. Reduced...

Basics for Effectively Trapping the Asian Hornet

Here are some general rules for those preparing to trap the Asian hornet for the first time. Identifying the Asian hornet Identification of the Asian hornet, scientifically known as Vespa velutina, is...

Garden trapping

  Trapping the Asian hornet, outside of apiaries, requires a different approach. The reason is simple: Hornets don’t come with the same intention. What they are looking for in a vegetable garden are...

Apiary trapping

Trapping Asian hornets – at the apiary – requires following some good practices described below. Position the traps correctly The Ornetins must be positioned around the hives. Even...